John William served as a Youth Development Peace Corps Volunteer in Peru. With a background in tech startups and development economics, he founded Jump Finance with the vision of helping his former students, and millions of others finance their education.
Business Development
As a former leader of The Gambian National Youth Parliament and Instructor at The Gambia University, Samba has seen firsthand the painful financial choices students have to make. With a background in international development and higher education, he oversees Jump Finance’s rollout in West Africa.
Strategy and Operations
Benaz has extensive experience driving innovative technology initiatives for startups to Fortune 500 companies. She leads strategy and operations for the global rollout of the Jump Finance student and university product.
Robert has worked in software and software consulting for the past 5 years, and has a passion for mentoring and developing team members. He has a Bachelors in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and is a Masters candidate in Computer Science from Georgia Tech.
Christine is passionate about helping others and making a positive impact on underserved communities. She made a shift from pre-med into software engineering after graduating from the General Assembly Software Engineering Intensive, and has been working as a frontend developer at a cybersecurity firm for the last year.
With over 25 years of global experience in IT and nonprofits – Aparna supports Jump Finance by developing data reporting, finding solutions to complex problems and serving as a strategic advisor.
West African Regional Director
With over 10 years of experience in the private sector, Mafugi Bah runs the Jump Finance Operations in The Gambia and heads up development of University partnerships in the West African Region.
With a professional background in higher education and Masters in Statistics and Business Administration, Yerro oversees the operations of the Jump Finance pilot program at the University of The Gambia.
JP Allen has worked as a speechwriter, marketer, translator, and teacher. In addition to helping with Jump Finance's copywriting and marketing, he currently works at Tremendous.